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A Foodie’s Guide to Emirati Cuisine

Emirati cuisine is a rich tapestry of flavors and traditions, offering a unique culinary experience that reflects the UAE’s heritage. From hearty stews to aromatic rice dishes, Emirati food is a must-try for any visitor. At estaie, we encourage our guests to explore the local cuisine as a part of their stay. Book your accommodations with us and get ready to embark on a delicious journey.

Traditional Emirati Dishes

Al Harees

al harees dish

Al Harees is a beloved Emirati dish, particularly popular during Ramadan and Eid. It’s made from wheat, meat, and a pinch of salt, cooked together in a clay pot for several hours until it reaches a smooth, porridge-like consistency. This dish is a symbol of Emirati hospitality and tradition, often shared among family and friends during festive occasions.



Machboos is a fragrant rice dish that is a staple in Emirati households. It’s similar to biryani but has its unique blend of spices, including saffron, cinnamon, and dried lemon. The dish typically features meat, fish, or chicken and is cooked to perfection with aromatic basmati rice. It’s a feast for the senses and a testament to the rich culinary heritage of the UAE.


Luqaimat dish

Luqaimat are sweet, deep-fried dumplings that are a favorite dessert in Emirati cuisine. These bite-sized treats are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, drizzled with date syrup or honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds. They are often enjoyed with a cup of traditional Arabic coffee.

Top Local Restaurants to Try

01.Al Fanar Restaurant and Cafe

Al Fanar is known for its authentic Emirati cuisine and nostalgic decor that takes you back to the 1960s. The restaurant offers a variety of traditional dishes, including Al Harees and Machboos, in a setting that reflects the old-world charm of Dubai.


Aseelah is a modern restaurant that celebrates Emirati cuisine with a contemporary twist. Located in the heart of Dubai, it offers an elegant dining experience with a menu that features classic dishes made from locally sourced ingredients.


Logma is a casual eatery that offers a taste of traditional Emirati street food. The menu includes a variety of snacks and meals, such as Khameer (a type of bread) and Chebab ( pancakes), making it a perfect spot for a quick and delicious bite.

Booking Your Stay with estaie

To make the most of your culinary adventure in the UAE, book your stay through estaie. Our platform offers a range of accommodations that put you in close proximity to the best local restaurants and eateries. Visit our website to explore our options and plan your food journey today.


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