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How UAE Hotels are Adapting Post-Pandemic

UAE hotels have adapted to the changing world of travel. Safety and cleanliness now take center stage, ensuring your stay is as safe and comfortable as possible. Let’s explore the measures in place to keep you safe.

Enhanced Cleaning Protocols

  1. Frequent Sanitization

    • Hotel has ramped up their cleaning routines, focusing on high-touch surfaces like elevator buttons, door handles, and light switches. Many have adopted hospital-grade cleaning products to ensure thorough sanitization.
  2. Guest Room Cleanliness

    • Rooms are deep-cleaned between stays with extra attention to frequently touched items such as remote controls, telephones, and bathroom fixtures. Some hotels also offer contactless housekeeping services like Holiday Inn Express: Dubai – Internet City
  3. Public Spaces

    • Common areas like lobbies, gyms, and dining areas are cleaned multiple times a day. Hand sanitizing stations are strategically placed throughout the property for guest convenience.

Contactless Services

  1. Digital Check-In/Check-Out

    • Many hotels now offer mobile check-in and check-out options to minimize physical contact. Guests can use their smartphones to manage their reservations, check-in, and even unlock their room doors
  2. Virtual Concierge

    • Need room service or want to book a spa appointment? Hotel is providing virtual concierge services through apps or in-room tablets, reducing the need for face-to-face interactions.
  3. Contactless Payments

    • From booking your stay to paying for meals, contactless payment options are available to ensure a seamless and safe transaction experience.

Health and Safety Measures

  1. Health Screenings

    • Some hotels conduct temperature checks for guests and staff upon entry. This quick and easy measure helps ensure the health and safety of everyone on the property.
  2. Social Distancing

    • Hotels have implemented social distancing protocols in public areas. This includes spaced seating in dining areas, floor markings to guide foot traffic, and limited capacity in elevators and gyms.
  3. Protective Gear

    • Staff members are equipped with masks and gloves, and guests are often provided with masks and hand sanitizers upon arrival. Some hotels also install protective barriers at check-in counters.

Dining Adjustments

  1. Room Service

    • To reduce contact, many hotels are promoting in-room dining. Meals are delivered in disposable containers with contactless delivery options.
  2. Buffet Modifications

    • Traditional buffet services have been replaced or modified. Some hotels offer live cooking stations where staff serve food, while others have switched to à la carte options.
  3. Outdoor Dining

    • Where possible, hotels are setting up outdoor dining areas to allow for more space and fresh air, enhancing the dining experience while keeping safety in mind.

Book Your Safe Stay with estaie

Ready to travel with peace of mind? Book your accommodation through estaie, the premier booking platform for hotels in the UAE. With our trusted partners, you can be assured that your health and safety are top priorities.

So, whether you’re planning a vacation or a business trip, rest easy knowing that hotels in the UAE are going above and beyond to keep you safe and comfortable.


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