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Romantic Getaway in UAE: Best Hotels for Couples in UAE

Romantic Getaway in UAE, the land of ultra-modern luxury and old Arabia, the United Arab Emirates surely forms the perfect setting for a really Romantic Getaway in UAE. Be it the expanse of deserts or the glint of its coastline, the UAE houses many places so varied, almost magical, that a thousand unforgettable moments are created here with your loved one. Here’s a guide to some of the best romantic hotels in UAE, each offering something different: luxury, comfort, and romance.

One&Only The Palm, Dubai

The Arabian Court at OneOnly Royal Mirage, Dubai Romantic Getaway

The One&Only The Palm is set on the shores of the Palm Jumeirah in seclusion, the ultimate hideaway for couples. Elegant Moorish-andalusian architecture serenely combines with lovely gardens and an immaculate private beach, forming the ultimate romantic haven. Facilities of world-class spa amenities, dining restaurants, plush villas add to make the romantic experience truly unforgettable and relaxing for a couple with viewings directly onto the beach. Grateful for such tailored service – with its view of Dubai alone simply, it is amongst the topmost addresses for Best romantic gateways hotels in UAE One&Only The Palm.

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara, Abu Dhabi

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara, Abu Dhabi-1

Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort by Anantara boasts of being the ultimate indulgence for any couple to send them on some different and exotic path amidst the dunes of sand. The plush resorts set the most awesome backdrop for romance, right within the heart of rolling Empty Quarter dunes. Savor ‘dining under the stars in private’, a ‘desert drive on the back of a camel’, or plunge in an ‘expansive pool of their own’. Secluded, classically Arabian-styled-decorated resort, this whispers romance one perfect getaway in the desert the best romantic gateways.

Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort & Spa, Dubai

Al Maha, a Luxury Collection Desert Resort Spa, Dubai-1

Al Maha forms part of the Dubai Desert Conversation Reserve, a haven of privacy for couples. Independently appointed, each of the suites in the resorts avails one with a private infinity pool, though unobstructed desert views. It is only imaginary how days here for a couple are made up of treks on camels, falconry displays, and desert safaris. In fact, it really stands out in romance since it doesn’t spoil the beauty of the desert; it still keeps all luxuries.

The Ritz-Carlton Ras Al Khaimah, Al Wadi Desert

The RitzCarlton Ras Al Khaimah, Al Wadi Desert

Smack in the middle of the desert, The Ritz-Carlton Ras Al Khaimah, Al Wadi Desert is charming and romantic. Each luxurious villa features a pool and deck for exclusivity in romance, while horse riding, archery, and stargazing are some of the activities available. This is one of the ultimate retreats for couples, with its Rainforest Spa featuring hydrothermal experiences. This grand combination of natural beauty with luxury amenities granted a place to it in the list of Romantic Getaway in UAE.

Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort

Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort

Located on the millionaire mile of iconic Palm Jumeirah in Dubai the Romantic Getaway in UAE, five-star Anantara the Palm Dubai Resort really goes to town with the facilities for couples wanting romance. Indeed, the highlight of this place over the water villas is that each features its very private swimming pool with a great view of the Arabian Gulf. Many restaurants and lounges run all the way from beach dining to Thai specialties offered at this five-star hotel. The variety of massages designed for couples simply makes for a perfect, relaxing sentimental experience which awaits the presence of any loving couple.

Zaya Nurai Island, Abu Dhabi

Zaya Nurai Island, Abu Dhabi

Zaya Nurai Island in Abu Dhabi offers an ultra-luxurious, romantic holiday on a private island, all within minutes from hustle-bustled city life. Each villa on this island features a private pool overlooking the Arabian Gulf. Besides the different water sports, one can enjoy romantic dining by the beach and spas. There will be enough on this island to keep couples busy. The island is serene, intimate, hence becoming an ideal destination for Romantic Getaway in UAE.

From desert adventures to beachfront luxury, these best Romantic Getaway in UAE offer couples a wide choice of experiences that are truly enchanting. Each of these hotels boasts a unique setting with luxurious amenities, apt for making lifelong memories with your loved one.

Want to book any of these Romantic Getaways in UAE? Get the best rate and exclusive offers from, and make this an ideal stay. Whichever you choose, whatever place you might have chosen on this list or otherwise, rest assured that it is always up to estaie to help you find your perfect hideaway. For more information about fantastic deals, go through our official site, and start a memorable romantic spree in Romantic Getaway in UAE.


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